Chirotherapy – academically referred to as “manual medicine,” is a very old method of treatment dating back to the days of Hypocrites (400 BC)
It is differentiated by two areas. One is manual diagnostic by which the therapist can, thru highly sensitive techniques, identify structural and functional disturbances; the other is manual therapy which treats those disturbances using specific healing methods. Manual therapy is used mostly for correcting functional disturbances of the extremities, jaw and spinal column not associated with structural damage. The side effect of such disturbances can result in pain and reduced mobility in the extremities and spine as well as a feeling of “pins and needles”, head and neck pain, dizziness, swallowing difficulties and insomnia. Manual medicine can also be applied to patients who do not suffer from pain but have asymptomatic dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system which has disrupted the function of the internal organs.


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