Holistic examination and treatment of all diseases of the skin from hair loss to athlete’s foot with special emphasis on the following diseases:

  • Allergies, atopic disorders (neurodermitis, eczema, hay fever, asthma):
  • Allergies, whether from food, inhaled, or from contact can be diagnosed using applied kinesiology supplemented with prick, epicutan and laboratory testing. Improvement can be achieved without resorting to cortisone or antihistamines with acupuncture, orthomolecular therapy and homeopathy treatments
  • Psoriasis (dandruff): Success has been achieved significantly in treating this disease by mixing various humeral detoxication treatments for the eradication of asymptomatic bacterial focal infections (abscesses) in the body as well as treatments using orthomolecular medicine and homeopathy.

In some situations classic or conventional medicine methods are needed in addition to or as an alternative to treatments stated above. In these cases, the following methods are predominantly used:

  • Computer assisted dermatology: A digital photo documentation system to record and analyse benign or malignant pigmentation.
  • Skin cancer prevention: Clinical control of skin tumors and therapy
  • Phlebology: Ultra sound examination of varicose veins and thrombosis; Sclerotherapy ( for the elimination of spider veins and small varicose veins), ulcus therapy and compression therapy.
  • Out patient care: Excision of moles and skin tumors, biopsies, scar removal, shave excision.
  • Cosmetic: Skin type evaluation, peeling for acne and aging skin (AHA`s, herbal deep peeling), hyaluronic acid injection for smoothing aging skin, botox injection for wrinkles and excessive sweating, cellulite treatment.

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