Physikal Medicine and Rehabilitation

What is a doctor of physical medicine and rehabilitation (called a physiatrist) anyway?
A physician for physical medicine and rehabilitation is educated in 5 different areas of medicine- orthopedics, surgery, internal medicine, neurology, physical medicine and rehabilitation. Essentially, the emphasis is on the treatment of illness of all kinds using conservative methods, namely, without surgery. The doctors work in essence with methods from physical medicine; chirotherapy, osteopathy, physical therapy, heat, cold, massages and the practices from naturopathy under the motto “ As little conventional medicine as necessary , as much natural medicine as possible.” Optimal therapy programs are coordinated between the physicians and physical therapists who work closely together at our medical center. This is especially important for rehabilitation, that your movement and condition return to full capacity after an accident or operation, in the case of orthopedic disease from wear and tear (osteoarthritis) and pain, or when recovering from pulmonary disease or neurological complications after a stroke, heart attack or internal disease.

Apart from the Kneipp Theory (also a part of physical medicine and rehabilitation), nutrition/dietetics, lifestyle/regulative therapy and treatment of allergies using resistance therapy or therapeutic fasting are also components of physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Because of the careful training in this area of medicine, these physicians are holistic oriented, taking into consideration your body, soul, spirit and social environment. The focus of a physiatrist’s effort is to treat your whole person highly effectively with as little side effects as possible that you can enjoy your life to its fullest!


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